About Us
My Favorite Pal was started because, like you, we wanted ties to match for fathers and sons. Little boys absolutely love being like their daddies, and they are always so proud when they can dress like them. Until My Favorite Pal, finding matching ties for fathers and sons was impossible; so we took matters into our own hands. My Favorite Pal is committed to providing the most fashionable, adorable, and durable matching ties for fathers and sons.

Every guy must have his refined and sophisticated moments. My Favorite Pal's tie designs are trendy, adorable, and professional. Every matching tie design is made to catch the eye so the proud daddy and son will be noticed.

Let's face it, little guys are rough on their ties. My Favorite Pal ties are built with kid tough microfiber that is easy to clean and ready to be worn time and time again.

My Favorite Pal knows the only way to stay in business is to take care of our customers. Please contact us with comments, requests, suggestions, and brags. Also, to brag-post pictures of your cutest guys in matching ties, share your pictures with us on Pinterest or Instagram.